Daniel McAdams
McAdams is the director of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity and co-host of the Ron Paul Liberty Report. He served as Dr. Paul's Congressional advisor on foreign affairs, defense, intelligence, and civil liberties for 12 years on Capitol Hill.
He was the Editorial Page Editor at the Budapest Sun newspaper and special human rights rapporteur and election monitor for the British Helsinki Human Rights Group in eastern Europe.
In the summer of 1992 he served as intelligence analyst for Albania in the U.S. State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research. He is a frequent media commentator in the US and overseas and his writings have been published widely in the US and international press.
He was the Editorial Page Editor at the Budapest Sun newspaper and special human rights rapporteur and election monitor for the British Helsinki Human Rights Group in eastern Europe.
In the summer of 1992 he served as intelligence analyst for Albania in the U.S. State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research. He is a frequent media commentator in the US and overseas and his writings have been published widely in the US and international press.